Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU

Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU


National representative
Tanja Pipan, PhD


Twitter: LifeWatch_SI

Address: Titov trg 2, 6230 Postojna

E-mail: info.lifewatch@zrc-sazu.si

Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU joined LifeWatch Slovenia in 2015 and it is the leading partner of the LifeWatch Slovenia consortium.


The unique location in the centre of the Classical Karst and a long tradition of excellent research have made IZRK ZRC SAZU one of the top karstological centres in the world. Here, research focuses on karst and its conservation, studying its hydrology, geology, biology, geomorphology, ecology, microbiology, and speleology, as well as the history of karst science. The Institute’s researchers also come from a variety of backgrounds, thus enabling a multidisciplinary approach. Research includes numerous field studies, laboratory investigations, and numerical modelling.      

Like many other well-known research institutions across Europe, the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU faces the same data management issues, although it still aspires to be a top research institution. The multidisciplinary profile of the institute has apparently led to data management problems in the past, with each researcher contributing his or her own contribution of data without standardization with other fields. As the national headquarters for three environmental RISs (LifeWatch, EPOS, and eLTER), the Institute started to better define its role to adopt a multidisciplinary data management plan and contribute as a trusted partner with FAIR data and services.



The goal of the RI-SI-LifeWatch project was for the national node to build a network for monitoring and collecting data on biodiversity and the environment, obtained and processed through the acquisition of high-performance research equipment. With the help of the new and powerful laboratory and field research equipment and a new data centre with high storage capacity purchased from the RI-SI-Lifewatch project, the Slovenian consortium is now collecting a large amount of research data in digital form, which will be included in the national karst database, harmonised with FAIR principles and designed to provide a temporal and spatial link between specific sites. See information about our RI-SI-LifeWatch equipment on our metadata portal.


ENVRI-FAIR is the connection of the ESFRI Cluster of Environmental RIs (ENVRI) to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The goal is that all participating RIs build FAIR data services to enhance researchers’ efficiency & productivity, support innovation, enable data/knowledge based decisions & connect ENVRI Cluster to EOSC. Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU collaborate in WP9 (the marine domain) and WP11 (implementation in Biodiversity/Ecosystems subdomain).


In order to pool resources in Slovenia in the field of socio-ecological research, and to promote international networking, we have inaugurated the LTER-Slovenia project. This is a consortium of several institutions with support from the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and the Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia. Our mission in brief is to be the main coordinating body for networked socio-ecological research in Slovenia, which entails both running our own research program and coordinating our research with partners abroad. This is the goal of the eLTER Research Infrastructure (еLTER RI). eLTER is now in the preparatory phase on the way to becoming a fully-fledged Research Infrastructure. The Preparatory Phase Project, funded by the European Commission (2020-2025) will support this process.



ProteusWatch vLab is planned to be developed as an e-services access to infrared videos and images captured in the karst underground habitat of Proteus anguinus, the largest European cave amphibian, endemic to Slovenia and the entire Dinaric Karst range. The IR video and images will be a precious resource to be processed via machine learning analysis tools in order to understand the ecology of this secretive endangered cave vertebrate. The vLab will be set by Tular Cave Laboratory in collaboration with Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in the famous Planina Cave, the world hotspot for the largest population of proteus and the highest number of subterranean biodiversity.

Karst Groundwater Habitats

Karst groundwater habitats vLab is planned as an e-services that gives access to sensor data collected in the framework of the Slovenian LifeWatch project in order and to explore and analyze these data. A user-friendly interface is planned to be built to interactively assess the karst groundwater quality and the possible pollution events that affect the cave and karst spring habitats. The vLab will be set by Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU in collaboration with Tular Cave Laboratory.


Meteo station Jelševnik

The Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU installed a meteorological station with soil sensors near Jelševnik (Bela krajina) in SE -Slovenia, very close to the habitat of black proteus (Proteus anguinus parkelj). The meteo-station includes a central computing and storage unit, sensors (solar radiation, air pressure, air temperature, air humidity, precipitation, snow cover height, soil temperature and humidity), a module for wireless data transmission and a power supply unit (solar panel). The device was acquired on April 16, 2021 under the RI-SI -LifeWatch project. It is used to monitor all important meteorological parameters for the purposes of ecological and karst habitat research.



KNEZ, Martin, SLABE, Tadej. Discoveries during expressways construction (Classical Karst, Slovenia). V: 6th Euro-Mediterranean Conference for Environmental Integration : 15-18 May 2024, Marrakesh, Marocco. [S. l.: s. n.]. https://2024.program.emcei.net/

KNEZ, Martin, SLABE, Tadej. Karren of Gréolières. V: KOGOVŠEK, Blaž (ur.), et al. Data acquisition and analysis in Karst systems: 31st International Karstological School “Classical Karst: abstracts & guide book: Postojna 2024. 1st ed. [Ljubljana]: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 80-81. ISBN 978-961-05-0871-7.

KNEZ, Martin, SLABE, Tadej. Karren of South Provence. V: Man and Karst 2024 in Sicily : International Scientific Conference, June 24th-29th Ragusa, Italy. Ragusa: CIRS, 2024. Str. 49. 

KNEZ, Martin, SLABE, Tadej. Karren on Miocene carbonate sandstones in Tourrettes-sur-Loup (France) – The European Conference on Karst Hydrogeology and Carbonate Reservoirs”, 10. do 14. June 2024, Rome (Italy). 

KNEZ, Martin, SLABE, Tadej, AUDRA, Philippe. Karren of Provence (France), Gréolières, Caussols, Tourrettes-sur-Loup and Luberon. Acta carsologica. In press.

PIPAN, Tanja, ALJANČIČ, Magdalena. 20 years of LTER Slovenia: from challenging beginnings to successful national long-term research infrastructure. In: KOGOVŠEK, Blaž (ed.), et al. Data acquisition and analysis in Karst systems: 31st International Karstological School “Classical Karst”: abstracts & guide book: Postojna 2024. 1st ed. [Ljubljana]: Založba ZRC, 2024. Str. 102. ISBN 978-961-05-0871-7. 

LOS, Wouter, ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, BILEVA, Tatyana, CHATZINIKOLAOU, Eva, GRABER-SOUDRY, Ohad, MONCUIT, Lucas de, NETO, Marta, PESOLE, Graziano, VALLEJO ABASCAL, Maria, GROZDANOVA, Dafinka. The lifeblood of LifeWatch ERIC: national in-kind contributions. Research Ideas and Outcomes. https://riojournal.com/article/121887/. Mar. 2024, [vol.] 10, [article no.] e121887, str. 1-5. ISSN 2367-7163. DOI: 10.3897/rio.10.e121887.

BLATNIK, Matej, GABROVŠEK, Franci, RAVBAR, Nataša, FRANTAR, Peter, GILL, Laurence. Assessment of climatic and anthropogenic effects on flood dynamics in the Cerkniško Polje (SW Slovenia) based on a 70-year observation dataset. Journal of hydrology. Regional studies. vol. 51, article no. 101609, pp. 1-16. ISSN 2214-5818. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S2214581823002963, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2023.101609


CULVER, David C., PIPAN, Tanja. Contrasting approaches to the study of subterranean life: biospeleology and speleobiology. Acta carsologica. [vol.] 52, [no.] 2/3, pp. 277-283. ISSN 0583-6050. https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/carsologica/article/view/13516/11898, DOI: 10.3986/ac.v52i2-3.13516.

KNEZ, Martin, SLABE, Tadej, TORAB, Magdy, FAYAD, Noura Hamdy. Karst rock relief of Qara and White desert (Western desert of Egypt). Acta carsologica. 2023, [vol.] 52, [no.] 2/3, pp. 197-217, ISSN 0583-6050. https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/carsologica/article/view/12796/11894, DOI: 10.3986/ac.v52i2-3.12796.

ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, KAFOL, Žan, PIPAN, Tanja, ŠEBELA, Stanka, ČELIGOJ BIŠČAK, Jasmina, RAVBAR, Nataša. IZRK metadata portal: cataloguing the multidisciplinarity of karst (meta)data. In: 15th European DDI Users Conference, Ljubljana: 27  – 29. 11. 2023: book of proposals. 2023. Pp. 5-6. https://events.geant.org/event/1457/book-of-abstracts.pdf.

MULEC, Janez, SLABE, Tadej, ŠEBELA, Stanka, ZUPAN HAJNA, Nadja, KNEZ, Martin (author, photographer), ČELIGOJ BIŠČAK, Jasmina, BLATNIK, Matej, DRAME, Leon, DROLE, Franjo, GABROVŠEK, Franci, JOHNSTON, Vanessa E., KOGOVŠEK, Blaž, KOZEL, Peter, MAYAUD, Cyril, ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, NOVAK, Uroš, OTONIČAR, Bojan, PETRIČ, Metka, PIPAN, Tanja, PRELOVŠEK, Mitja, RAVBAR, Nataša, SKOK, Sara, STAMENKOVIĆ, Sonja, ŠARC, Filip, ŠUŠAK, Slavuljka, ŠVARA, Astrid, VALENTIĆ, Lara, ZADEL, Mateja, MULEC, Janez (editor, photographer), SLABE, Tadej (editor), ŠEBELA, Stanka (editor, photographer), ZUPAN HAJNA, Nadja (editor, photographer), KNEZ, Martin (editor, photographer), ČELIGOJ BIŠČAK, Jasmina (editor). 75 years of the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU. 1. izd. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2023. 139 pg., ISBN 978-961-05-0737-6.

SIEGEL, Lena, GOLDSCHEIDER, Nico, PETITTA, Marco, XANKE, Julian‏, ANDREO NAVARRO, Bartolomé, BAKALOWICZ, Michel, BARBERÁ, Juan Antonio, BOUHLILA, Rachida, BURG, Avihu, DOUMMAR, Joanna, PIPAN, Tanja, RAVBAR, Nataša, et al. Distribution, threats and protection of selected karst groundwater: dependent ecosystems in the Mediterranean region. Hydrogeology journal. 2023, [19]. ISSN 1431-2174. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10040-023-02711-9, DOI: 10.1007/s10040-023-02711-9.

CULVER, David C., KOWALKO, Johanna E., PIPAN, Tanja. Natural selection versus neutral mutation in the evolution of subterranean life: a false dichotomy. Frontiers in ecology and evolution. 2023, vol. 11, [article no.] 1080503, str. 1-10. ISSN 2296-701X. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fevo.2023.1080503/full, DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2023.1080503.

MULEC, Janez, SKOK, Sara, TOMAZIN, Rok, LETIĆ, Jasmina, PLIBERŠEK, Tadej, STOPINŠEK, Sanja, SIMČIČ, Saša. Long-term monitoring of bioaerosols in an environment without UV and desiccation stress, an example from the cave Postojnska Jama, Slovenia. Microorganisms. 2023, vol. 11, issue 3, [article no.] 809, 12. ISSN 2076-2607. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/11/3/809, DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms11030809.

Mayaud, C., Kogovšek, B., Gabrovšek, F., Blatnik, M., Petrič, M., & Ravbar, N. (2023). Deciphering the water balance of poljes: example of Planinsko Polje (Slovenia). Acta Carsologica, 51(2). https://doi.org/10.3986/ac.v51i2.11029

ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, KAFOL, Žan, PIPAN, Tanja, ŠEBELA, Stanka, ČELIGOJ BIŠČAK, Jasmina, RAVBAR, Nataša. Multidisciplinary metadata portal at the Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU. In: ŠVARA, Astrid (ed.), ZUPAN HAJNA, Nadja (ed.), GABROVŠEK, Franci (ed.). Karst – approaches and conceptual models 30th International Karstological School “Classical Karst”  30th anniversary = 30. obletnica: abstracts & guide book: Postojna 2023. 1st ed. [Ljubljana]: Založba ZRC, 2023. Str. 136. ISBN 978-961-05-0747-5.

ALJANČIČ, Gregor, MACHIDON, Octavian-Mihai, ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, MACHIDON, Alina Luminita, PIPAN, Tanja. Challenges and preliminary results in building virtual laboratories to monitor Proteus anguinus and its karst groundwater habitat. In: The LifeWatch ERIC Biodiversity & Ecosystem eScience Conference: threats and challenges to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation from an eScience perspective : Seville, 22-24 May 2023 : abstract book. [S. l.]: LifeWatch ERIC, 2023. Str. 27. https://www.lifewatch.eu/bees-2023/abstract-book-presentations/#flipbook-df_32474/

KOZEL, Peter, NOVAK, Tone, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc, LIPOVŠEK DELAKORDA, Saška. Starvation hardiness as preadaptation for life in subterranean habitats. Scientific reports. 2023, vol. 13, article no. 9643, 18 str., ilustr. ISSN 2045-2322. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-023-36556-9

KOS, Anja, DELIĆ, Teo, KOS, Ivan, KOZEL, Peter, POLAK, Slavko, ZAGMAJSTER, Maja. The overview of lithobiomorph centipedes (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha) from caves of Slovenia. Subterranean biology. 2023, iss. 45, str. 165-185, ilustr. ISSN 1768-1448. https://zenodo.org/record/7947639, DOI: 10.3897/subtbiol.45.101430.

KNEZ, Martin, SLABE, Tadej, BLATNIK, Matej, ČELIGOJ BIŠČAK, Jasmina, GABROVŠEK, Franci, KOGOVŠEK, Blaž, KOZEL, Peter, MAYAUD, Cyril, MULEC, Janez, ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, OTONIČAR, Bojan, PETRIČ, Metka, PIPAN, Tanja, PRELOVŠEK, Mitja, RAVBAR, Nataša, ŠEBELA, Stanka, ZUPAN HAJNA, Nadja. Development challenges on classical karst. In: LAND, Lewis (ed.). Proceedings of the 17th Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes and the Engineering and Environmental Impacts of Karst: National Cave and Karst Research Institute Symposium 9. Carlsbad: National Cave nad Karst Research Institute, 2023. ISBN 978-0-9910009-8-2. https://digitalcommons.usf.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1044&context=sinkhole_2022.

VALENTIČ, Lara. Microplastics in karst ecosystems and its impact on drinking water quality : dissertation. 2023. https://repozitorij.ung.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=8340


ALJANČIČ, Magdalena (editor), KAFOL, Žan (editor), PIPAN, Tanja (editor), ŠEBELA, Stanka (editor), ČELIGOJ BIŠČAK, Jasmina (editor), RAVBAR, Nataša (editor). IZRK metadata portal. (2021 – onward) Postojna: Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU. https://metadata.izrk.zrc-sazu.si/

VILHAR, Urša, KERMAVNAR, Janez, KOZAMERNIK, Erika, PETRIČ, Metka, RAVBAR, Nataša. The effects of large-scale forest disturbances on hydrology: an overview with special emphasis on karst aquifer systems. Earth-science reviews. [Print ed.]. 2022, vol. 235:21. ISSN 0012-8252.

VALENTIĆ, Lara, KOZEL, Peter, PIPAN, Tanja. Microplastic pollution in vulnerable karst environments: case study from the Slovenian classical karst. 2022, vol. 51, no. 1, str. 79-92, ISSN 0583-6050. https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/carsologica/article/view/10597/10383, DOI: 10.3986/ac.v51i1.10597.

RAVBAR Nataša, PIPAN Tanja. 2022. Ecohydrological characterization of the karst groundwater dependent ecosystems of the Dinaric karst in Slovenia, EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23–27 May 2022, EGU22-3675, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu22-3675.

Ravbar N, Pipan T. 2022. Karst Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems—Typology, Vulnerability and Protection. Reference Module in Earth Systems and Environmental Sciences, Elsevier. ISBN 9780124095489. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-12-819166-8.00182-1.

Marić S, Stanković D, Sušnik Bajec S, Vukić J, Šanda R, Stefanov T, Nikolić D, Snoj A. 2022. Perils of brown trout (Salmo spp.) mitigation-driven translocations: a case study from the Vlasina Plateau, Southeast Serbia., Biol Invasions. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10530-021-02688-0

KENNY, Julian (interviewer), PIPAN, Tanja (interviewee), RAVBAR, Nataša (interviewee), ALJANČIČ, Gregor (interviewee). The underground Karst caves of Postojna. [S. l.]: LifeWatch ERIC, 2022. 1 spletni vir (1 zvočna datoteka (19 min, 44 sek)). A window on science. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1921443/11870793-s3-e10-the-underground-karst-caves-of-postojna.

KNEZ, Martin, LIU, Hong, SLABE, Tadej. Clustered stone forest in Pu Dou Chun (Yunnan, China).  Acta carsologica. 2022, vol. 51, no. 1, str. 47-63, ilustr. ISSN 0583-6050. https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/carsologica/article/view/10688/10597, DOI: 10.3986/ac.v51i1.10688.



Novak T, Slana Novak L, Kozel P, Schaider MG, Komposch C, Lipovšek S, Podlesnik J, Paušič I & Raspotnig G. 2021. Hidden diversity within the Nemastoma bidentatum Roewer, 1914 complex (Opiliones: Nemastomatidae) Part I: Morphological evidence. European Journal of Taxonomy777(1), 1-67. https://doi.org/10.5852/ejt.2021.777.1561.

Klokočovnik V, Devetak D. 2021. Efficiency of antlion trap design and larval behavior in capture success, Behavioral Ecology, arab124, https://doi.org/10.1093/beheco/arab124.

Mulec J, Oarga-Mulec A, Skok S, Šebela S, Cerkvenik RZorman T, Holko L, Eleršek T, Pašić L. 2021. Emerging ecotone and microbial community of a sulfidic spring in the Reka River near Škocjanske jame, Slovenia. Diversity, 13, 655. https://doi.org/10.3390/d13120655.

Kukuljan L, Gabrovšek F, Johnston VE. 2021. Low-calcium cave dripwaters in a high CO2 environment: Formation and development of corrosion cups in Postojna Cave, Slovenia. Water , 13, 3184. https://doi.org/10.3390/w13223184.

Premate E, Borko Š, Kralj-Fišer S, Jennions M, FIŠER Ž, Balázs G, Bíró A, Bračko G, Copilaş-Ciocianu D, Hrga N, Herczeg, G, Rexhepi B, Zagmajster M, Zakšek V, Fromhage L, Fišer C. 2021. No room for males in caves: female-biased sex ratio in subterranean amphipods of the genus Niphargus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 00, 1– 9. https://doi.org/10.1111/jeb.13917.

Čeligoj Biščak J., Pipan, T., Šebela S., Krebelj M., Aljančič M. 2021. Development of research infrastructure (RI) for
the international competitiveness of the development of Slovenian RI space – RI-SI-EPOS and RI-SI-LifeWatch. In: Blatnik, M. (ed.), et al. Regional karstology – local and general aspects: [within international year of karst and caves]; 28th International Karstological School Classical Karst: abstracts & guide book. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. 2021, pg. 82. PDF.

Ivajnšič D, Horvat, N, Žiberna I, Konečnik Kotnik, E, Davidović D.  2021. Revealing the spatial pattern of weather-related road traffic crashes in Slovenia. Applied sciences. vol. 11, iss. 14, str. 1-12, ilustr. ISSN 2076-3417. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/14/6506, DOI: 10.3390/app11146506. [COBISS.SI-ID 705016352].

Ivajnšič D, Pintarič, D, Grujić J -V, Žiberna I. 2021. A spatial decision support system for traffic accident prevention in different weather conditions. Acta geographica Slovenica. 61, št. 1, str. 75-92, ilustr. ISSN 1581-6613. https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/ags/article/view/9415/9535, DOI: 10.3986/AGS.9415. [COBISS.SI-ID 72532739].

Galli L., Janžekovič F., Kozel P., Novak T. 2021. Protura (Arthropoda: Hexapoda) in Slovenian caves. International journal of speleology., vol. 50, iss. 1, str. 65-74, ilustr. ISSN 0392-6672. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/ijs/vol50/iss1/6/, DOI: 10.5038/1827-806X.50.1.2380. [COBISS.SI-ID 55592451].

Ravbar N, Petrič M, Blatnik M, Švara A. A multi-methodological approach to create improved indicators for the adequate karst water source protection. 2021. Ecological indicators : integrating monitoring, assessment and management. Vol. 126, 14 str., ilustr. ISSN 1470-160X. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1470160X21003587, DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolind.2021.107693. [COBISS.SI-ID 61336323].

Prelovšek M, Gabrovšek F, Kozel P, Mulec J, Pipan T, Šebela S. The Škocjan Caves – UNESCO World Heritage Site. 2021. in: Trofimova E. (ed.), Salomon J-N. (ed.). Preserving world subterranean heritage: natural, cultural and mixed subterranean heritage, (Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, ISSN 0372-8854, ISSN 0044-2798, Supplementband, N. F., suppl. issue 3). [Stuttgart]: Borntraeger Science Publishers. vol. 62, pp. 49-64, ilustr., doi: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0690. [COBISS.SI-ID 56516099]

Kozel P, Delakorda M, Komposch C, Slana Novak L, Novak T, Lipovšek Delakorda S. 2021. Notes on coexistence of closely related Leiobunum rupestre and Lsubalpinum (Opiliones, Eupnoi, Sclerosomatidae). V: JÄGER, Peter (ed.). A festschrift honouring prof. dr. Jochen Martens on occasion of his 80th birthday: monograph. Auckland: Magnolia Press. Pg.. 34-42, ilustr. Zootaxa, vol. 4984, 1. ISBN 978-1-77688-281-6. ISSN 1175-5334. https://www.mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.4984.1.5, DOI: 10.11646/ZOOTAXA.4984.1.5. [COBISS.SI-ID 67570691].


Obst M, Exter K, Allcock A. L, Arvanitidis C, Axberg A, Bustamante M, Fortič A, Mavrič B, Ramšak A, et al. 2020. A marine biodiversity observation network for genetic monitoring of hard-bottom communities (ARMS-MBON). Frontiers in marine science, vol. 7, pg. 1-9, ilustr. ISSN 2296-7745. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmars.2020.572680/full, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2020.572680. [COBISS.SI-ID 40033027].

Kozel P, Delić T, Novak T. 2020. Nemaspela borkoae sp. nov. (Opiliones: Nemastomatidae), the second species of the genus from the Dinaric Karst. European Journal of Taxonomy. Vol. 717, str. 90-107, ilustr. ISSN 2118-9773. DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.717.1103. [COBISS.SI-ID 30119427].

Mammola S, Amorim I-R, Bichuette M-E, Borges P A V. Cheeptham N, Cooper S. J. B, Culver D-C, Deharveng, L, Eme D, Lopes Ferreira R, Fišer C, Fišer Ž, Jugovic J, Pipan T, Zagmajster M, et al. 2020. Fundamental research questions in subterranean biology. Biological reviews, ISSN 1464-7931, 18 pg., ilustr., doi: 10.1111/brv.12642. [COBISS.SI-ID 26314755].

Pipan T, Christman M, Culver D.C. Abiotic community constraints in extreme environments : epikarst copepods as a model system. Diversity. 2020, vol. 12, iss. 7, 16 str. ISSN 1424-2818. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-2818/12/7/269, DOI: 10.3390/d12070269. [COBISS.SI-ID 22691331].

Kozel P, Pipan, T. 2020. Specialized aquatic subterranean communities are probably most species-rich in the thickest epikarst. Limnologica. vol. 81, pg. 1-9. ISSN 0075-9511. DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2020.125756. [COBISS.SI-ID 25140744].

Blatnik M, Culver D-C, Gabrovšek F, Knez M, Kogovšek B, Kogovšek J, Liu H, Mayaud C, Mihevc A, Mulec, J, Naparus-Aljančič M, Otoničar B, Petrič M, Pipan T, Prelovšek M, Ravbar N, Shaw, T-R, Slabe T, Šebela S, Zupan Hajna, N. 2020. Karstology in the classical karst, (Advances in karst science). Cham: Springer. XII, 222 pg., ilustr. ISBN 978-3-030-26826-8, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-26827-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 17912067].


Aljančič M, Pipan T, Šebela S. 2019Research infrastructures and karst science. In: BLATNIK, Matej (ed.), et al. Karst hydrogeology – research trends and applications : abstracts & guide book. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC. 2019, pg. 118-119. [COBISS.SI-ID 44887341]

National Institute of Biology

National Institute of Biology


dr. Andreja Ramšak
dr. Patricija Mozetič (substitute)
prof. dr. Maja Ravnikar director
Ana Šušteršič (social media)


The National Institute of Biology has been a member of LifeWatch Slovenia since 2015 and contributes to LifeWatch ERIC through its National Distributed Centre. The National Institute of Biology (NIB) is the third largest public research institute in the natural sciences in Slovenia and has been operating since 1960. Its main activity continues to be basic, developmental and applied research in the terrestrial and marine environment, in the fields of life sciences, biotechnology and systems biology. Numerous activities relate to environmental issues, agriculture and nutrition, and health.


The LifeWatch-Slovenia project actively involves researchers from the Marine Biology Station within the Coastal Marine Research Programme (P1-0237) and from the Department of Organisms and Ecosystems Research within the Structure and function of ecosystems Programme (P1-0255). 

The research concerns the application of modern genomic approaches to biodiversity research in marine, terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems. 

The research is carried out at the genome level and is complemented by biogeography and evolutionary biology studies of marine,terrestrial and freshwater species, molecular taxonomy and whole community analyses (DNA barcoding and metabarcoding), monitoring with environmental DNA (eDNA metabarcoding), and the search for non-indigenous species.

In addition, at the Marine Biological Station in Piran, we have expanded our research into the field of traceability of seafood, where we are working on the development of new molecular assays. 

The VIDA oceanographic buoy measures oceanographic and meteorological parameters, which are provided to the community via the Slovenian LifeWatch-ERIC website.The equipment is also used to investigate the species composition of phytoplankton and the phylogeography of the most important genera potentially responsible for harmful algal blooms (HABs).



In the framework of RI-SI-Lifewatch, NIB researchers are collaborating with the University of Primorska on barcoding of fish species (squid and small pelagic fish), and with FAMNIT researchers we have developed new diagnostic tests for sardines and squid. There is also intensive cooperation with SAZU, especially in the field of metabarcoding and eDNA analysis.
More about RI-SI-LifeWatch equipment for NIB
Short video presenting RI-SI-LifeWatch equipment


The Marine Biology Station (NIB) participates in the national eLTER network and provides data for the only marine site in the Slovenian network. The site is located in the Gulf of Trieste. The site provides a wide range of data on ecosystem and environmental characteristics, species abundance, water parameters, atmospheric parameters and chemical parameters.


The Marine Biology Station has a long-term series of oceanographic and meteorological parameters, or EOVs (Essential Ocean Variables), which are measured as part of the VIDA oceanographic buoy and are made available to the public through various repositories. In addition to the VIDA oceanographic buoy, two HF radars (High Frequency Radar for wave and surface current monitoring) are deployed. The first HF radar is deployed over the town of Piran and forms a unit together with the HF radar deployed in Aurisina on the Italian coast. A second HF radar, located on a hill above Izola, has been installed since September 2022.



VASCOTTO, Ivano, MOZETIČ, Patricija, FRANCÉ, Janja. Fitoplankton, model kompleksnosti [Phytoplankton – complexity model]. Alternator : misliti znanost. 13. Jun. 2024, 14[5]. ISSN 2712-3510. https://doi.org/10.3986/alternator.2024.14, DiRROS – Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, dCOBISS, DOI: 10.3986/alternator.2024.14. 


KOLAREVIĆ, Stoimir, KRAČUN-KOLAREVIĆ, Margareta, JOVANOVIĆ MARIĆ, Jovana, DJORDJEVIĆ, Jelena, VUKOVIĆ-GAČIĆ, Branka, JOKSIMOVIĆ, Danijela, MARTINOVIĆ, Rajko, BAJT, Oliver, RAMŠAK, Andreja. Single and combined potential of polystyrene microparticles and fluoranthene in the induction of DNA damage in haemocytes of Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Mutagenesis. Jan. 2023, vol. 38, iss. 1. https://doi.org/10.1093/mutage/geac017, DOI: 10.1093/mutage/geac017.

RAMIĆ, Gaja, RAMŠAK, Andreja. Digitalisation of biodiversity. V: KRANJC BREZAR, Simona (ur.), ČEMAŽAR, Maja (ur.), MARKELC, Boštjan (ur.). 9th Colloquium of Genetics : book of abstracts : September 29th 2023, National Institute of Biology, Marine Biology Station Piran. Ljubljana: Genetic Society of Slovenia in collaboration with the Slovenian Society of Human Genetics, 2023. Str. 57. ISBN 978-961-93545-8-2. https://sgd.si/docs/Colloquium-9th-2023.pdf

TURK DERMASTIA, Timotej, VASCOTTO, Ivano, FRANCÉ, Janja, STANKOVIĆ, David, MOZETIČ, Patricija. Evaluation of the rbcL marker for metabarcoding of marine diatoms and inference of population structure of selected genera. Frontiers in microbiology. Mar. 2023, vol. 14, str. 1-21, ilustr. ISSN 1664-302X. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2023.1071379, DOI: 10.3389/fmicb.2023.1071379.


VELIČKOVIĆ, Tijana, SNOJ, Aleš, SIMIĆ, Vladica, ŠANDA, Radek, VUKIĆ, Jasna, BARCYTÈ, Dovilè, STANKOVIĆ, David, MARIĆ, Saša. A new perspective on the molecular dating of the brown trout complex with an extended phylogeographic information on the species in Serbia. Contributions to zoology. 2023, vol. 92, iss. 4, str. 362-389, ilustr. ISSN 1383-4517. https://doi.org/10.1163/18759866-bja10046, https://doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.22726835https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=151620, DOI: 10.1163/18759866-bja10046.

MARIĆ, Saša, STANKOVIĆ, David, SUŠNIK BAJEC, Simona, VUKIĆ, Jasna, ŠANDA, Radek, STEFANOV, Tihomir, NIKOLIĆ, Dragan, SNOJ, Aleš. Perils of brown trout (Salmo spp.) mitigation-driven translocations : a case study from the Vlasina Plateau, Southeast Serbia. Biological invasions. 2022, vol. 24, str. 999-1016, ilustr. ISSN 1573-1464. https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10530-021-02688-0, DOI: 10.1007/s10530-021-02688-0.

SLAVINEC, Petra, FRANCÉ, Janja, MOZETIČ, Patricija. Brackish and anthropogenically modified coastal environments harbour high microalgal diversity and support close interactions between pelagos and benthos (Adriatic Sea). V: ECSA 59 : Using the best scientific knowledge for the sustainable management of estuaries and coastal seas : 5-8 September 2022, San Sebastian, Spain. [San Sebastian: s. n.], 2022. Str. [392]. https://www.estuarinecoastalconference.com/conference-program.asp

TURK DERMASTIA, Timotej, DALL’ARA, Sonia, DOLENC, Jožica, MOZETIČ, Patricija. Toxicity of the Diatom Genus Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) : insights from toxicity tests and genetic screening in the Northern Adriatic Sea. Toxins : Elektronski vir. 2022, vol. 14, iss. 1, str. 1-17, ilustr. ISSN 2072-6651. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-6651/14/1/60/htm, DOI: 10.3390/toxins14010060. [COBISS.SI-ID 94153219]

This work was conducted with the help of RI-SI-2 LifeWatch (Operational Programme for the Implementation of the EU Cohesion Policy in the period 2014–2020, Development of Research infrastructure for international competition of Slovene Development of Research infrastructure area— RI-SI, European Regional Development Fund, Republic of Slovenia Ministry of Education, Science and Sport).; ARRS, Programi, P1-0237, SI, Coastal sea research; 

RASPOR DALL’OLIO, Lucija, BERAN, Alfred, FLANDER-PUTRLE, Vesna, MALEJ, Alenka, RAMŠAK, Andreja. Diversity of dinoflagellate symbionts in scyphozoan hosts from shallow environments : the Mediterranean Sea and Cabo Frio (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil). Frontiers in marine science. May 2022, vol. 9, str. 1-13, ilustr. ISSN 2296-7745. https://doi.org/10.3389/fmars.2022.867554, DOI: 10.3389/fmars.2022.867554. [COBISS.SI-ID 108221187];

KOLAREVIĆ, Stoimir, KRAČUN-KOLAREVIĆ, Margareta, JOVANOVIĆ MARIĆ, Jovana, DJORDJEVIĆ, Jelena, VUKOVIĆ-GAČIĆ, Branka, JOKSIMOVIĆ, Danijela, MARTINOVIĆ, Rajko, BAJT, Oliver, RAMŠAK, Andreja. Single and combined potential of polystyrene microparticles and fluoranthene in the induction of DNA damage in haemocytes of Mediterranean mussel (Mytilus galloprovincialis). Mutagenesis. ISSN 0267-8357. https://doi.org/10.1093/mutage/geac017, DOI: 10.1093/mutage/geac017. [COBISS.SI-ID 121611779];

SLAVINEC, Petra. Biodiverziteta mikroalg v Slovenskem obalnem morju in brakičnih vodah : magistrsko delo = Biodiversity of microalgae in Slovenian coastal sea and brackish waters : master’s thesis. Koper: [P. Slavinec], 2022. XII, 60 str., pril., ilustr. https://www.famnit.upr.si/sl/studij/zakljucna_dela/view/1127[COBISS.SI-ID 123527939]


RAMŠAK, Andreja. Zamenjave vrst med lignji na slovenskem tržišču : predavanje na spletnem seminarju Analize na potvorbe živil, 14. maj 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 64001027]; 

RAMŠAK, Andreja. Substitutions/mislabelling of squids species at Slovenian market, 30. 06. 2021, Gospodarska zbornica Slovenije; RAMŠAK, Andreja. LifeWatch RI-SI-2 : 8. junij – Svetovni dan oceanov. [San Bruno]: YouTube [distributer], 2021. 1 spletni vir (1 videodatoteka (2 min, 26 sek)), barve, zvok. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BM8xlFf7fN8https://www.nib.si/o-institutu/?id=1527. [COBISS.SI-ID 69261059];

RAMŠAK, Andreja. DNA technologies and seafood : predavanje na konferenci: 14th International Technology Transfer Conference, 7th- 8th October 2021, online. Ljubljana: Institut Jožef Stefan, 2021. http://ittc.ijs.si/home1/. [COBISS.SI-ID 80057859]; 

RAMŠAK, Andreja. Morski observatoriji – izkušnje NIB : predavanje na spletnem srečanju Upravnega odbora LifeWatch-SI in širšega nacionalnega konzorcija eLTER in LifeWatch, 19. februar 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 68917763];

RAMŠAK, Andreja. Urejanje in delovanje nacionalnega vozlišča in sodelovanje; primer TA : predavanje na spletnem srečanju Upravnega odbora LifeWatch-SI in širšega nacionalnega konzorcija eLTER in LifeWatch, 19. februar 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 68914947];

RUBINIĆ, Marko. Visokoosjetljivi DNA testovi za određivanje zamjena vrsta u plodovima mora : diplomski rad. Rijeka: [M. Rubinić], 2020. 103 f., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 34083331]; 

TURK DERMASTIA, Timotej. Diversity, ecology and sensing of the toxic diatom Pseudo-Nitzschia in the Gulf of Trieste : doctoral disertation = Pestrost, ekologija in detekcija toksičnega rodu diatomej Pseudo-Nitzschia v Tržaškem zalivu : doktorska disertacija. Ljubljana: [T. Turk Dermastia], 2021. XXIV, 159 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 94233859];

Slovenian Natural History Museum

Slovenian Museum of Natural History


dr. Tomi Trilar

Slovenian Museum of Natural History
Prešernova 20, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija


Facebook: https://sl-si.facebook.com/prirodoslovni/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pslovenije
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/prirodoslovnimuzej/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLCntwVAxmbC-Cd4tKWv4iA

The Slovenian Museum of Natural History joined LifeWatch Slovenia in 2015. A national museum with natural history, scientific and educational content. The oldest continuously operating Slovenian cultural, scientific and research institution, originating from the Carniolian Museum founded in 1821. A museum with national, European and world wide natural history study collections showing the changes in biodiversity, the development of Natural History thinking, as well as different techniques of collecting, preparation and processing museum materials. A research institution that explores Nature and natural cultural heritage.


The Slovenian Museum of Natural History is the only national institution in Slovenia authorized for preserving the cultural heritage of natural origin. 

It represents the most important archive of nature, which is the basis for research activities in the field of living nature (biology, zoology, botany, floristics, faunistics, biogeography, molecular phylogeny, response of biodiversity to environmental changes, etc.) and inanimate nature (geology, mineralogy, petrology, gemology, paleontology), which have important implications for the use of space and natural resources, as well as for the preservation of biodiversity, geological diversity and the human living environment.

Natural history collections of the Slovenian Museum of Natural History archive and provide access to biodiversity records by preserving biological, paleontological, and geological specimens and their associated data. 

They provide a critical infrastructure for biodiversity research, especially in an era of unprecedented environmental change where climate change, habitat alteration, pollution, invasive species, and overexploitation are contributing to species decline. 

Museum collections play a key role in educating the public about biodiversity.


Database of Slovenian Bird Ringing Center (BRDbase)

The Database of Slovenian Bird Ringing Center (BRDbase) is an application that enables bird ringers operating in Slovenian Bird Ringing Center at Slovenian Museum of Natural History to store and process data on ringed birds and birds found with the ring (recoveries). Bird ringing has a 90-year tradition in Slovenia, and 60 coworkers of Slovenian Museum of Natural History ring about 100,000 birds per year. The ringers have access to the application via the World Wide Web, giving them instant access to application upgrades as well as data and statistical analysis from other users. With the application acquired through the RI-SI-LifeWatch project, the Slovenian Bird Ringing Center is benefiting now of a modern tool that has fully implemented the latest standards (EURING-2020ExchangeCodeV201) and best practices of the European Bird Ringing Association (EURING).

Škocjan Caves Park

Škocjan Caves Park


Samo Šturm

+386 5 70 82 100
Škocjan 2 SI-6125 DIVAČA

Javni Zavod Park Škocjanske jame, Slovenija, joined LifeWatch Slovenia in 2017 and it contributes to LifeWatch ERIC through its National Distributed Centre. The Public Service Agency manages the Park as a public service. Within the framework of public service, the Agency performs several activities. The goals of Park’s management are divided into several areas: (1) protection goals, (2) development goals, (3) wider goals, followed by the especially important (4) education goals and (5) monitoring goals.


Following various inventories prepared at the time of Park’s establishment, the majority of activity is now oriented towards the establishment of continuous monitoring, by means of which an adequate system for monitoring the situation will be established. 

It is reasonable to monitor all the parameters over the long term as it will enable rapid detection of negative effects on the environment and adequate responses or the adoption of certain measures aimed at alleviating these effects. 

For this purpose, different factors are monitored regularly: quality and quantity of water in the cave, microclimate in the cave, flora and fauna on the surface, cave fauna, cracks in the cave and on collapse doline walls and the influence of ground-level ozone on the surface.


Mulec J, Oarga-Mulec A, Skok S, Šebela S, Cerkvenik R, Zorman T, Holko L, Eleršek T, Pašić L. 2021. Emerging ecotone and microbial community of a sulfidic spring in the Reka River near Škocjanske jame, Slovenia. Diversity, 13, 655. https://doi.org/10.3390/d13120655.

Prelovšek M, Gabrovšek F, Kozel P, Mulec J, Pipan T, Šebela S. The Škocjan Caves – UNESCO World Heritage Site. 2021. in: Trofimova E. (ed.), Salomon J-N. (ed.). Preserving world subterranean heritage: natural, cultural and mixed subterranean heritage, (Zeitschrift für Geomorphologie, ISSN 0372-8854, ISSN 0044-2798, Supplementband, N. F., suppl. issue 3). [Stuttgart]: Borntraeger Science Publishers. vol. 62, pp. 49-64, ilustr., doi: 10.1127/zfg_suppl/2021/0690. [COBISS.SI-ID 56516099]

Blatnik M, Culver D-C, Gabrovšek F, Knez M, Kogovšek B, Kogovšek J, Liu H, Mayaud C, Mihevc A, Mulec, J, Naparus-Aljančič M, Otoničar B, Petrič M, Pipan T, Prelovšek M, Ravbar N, Shaw, T-R, Slabe T, Šebela S, Zupan Hajna, N. 2020. Karstology in the classical karst, (Advances in karst science). Cham: Springer. XII, 222 pg., ilustr. ISBN 978-3-030-26826-8, doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-26827-5. [COBISS.SI-ID 17912067].

Tular Cave Laboratory

Society for Cave Biology: Tular Cave Laboratory


Society for Cave Biology – Tular Cave laboratory joined LifeWatch Slovenia in 2017 and it contributes to LifeWatch ERIC through its National Distributed Centre


The Society for Cave Biology [Slovene: Društvo za jamsko biologijo] is a NGO founded in 2002 in Kranj, Slovenia, with its principal mission to support and carry on the long-term research and conservation program of the Tular Cave Laboratory. The laboratory was built in 1960, and reorganized into a constituent body of the SCB in 2002. Beside the Subterranean Laboratory CNRS in Moulis (France), Tular is the only cave laboratory specialised in studying proteus, with successful long-term ex situ breeding of this endangered cave amphibian.

The ecology and behaviour of proteus are studied by observation, both in captivity at the Tular Cave and in its natural habitat. Many of these studies are an important framework for understanding vertebrate adaptations to cave life. The laboratory developed cutting edge methods to bypass the inaccessibility of the karst groundwater habitat of proteus, such as pioneer tracing of proteus environmental DNA in groundwater, infrared video monitoring of proteus behaviour, or public education on these sensitive animals. Such studies may also help to save this unique species in future. Namely, proteus is threatened mostly by increasing pollution of groundwater, which is, together with nonkarstic reserves, serving nearly all drinking water in Slovenia, whereas about 75% of EU residents depend on groundwater for their water supply.

To raise scientific attention on conservation of proteus and groundwater ecosystems, the Tular Cave Laboratory organizes the biennial International meetings SOS Proteus, building a network of experts on proteus, speleobiology, karstology, herpetology, conservation and public outreach, shearing their experiences, new methods and solutions. One of the goals only started to approach, is to advance in data management, through multidisciplinary and trans-national research and conservation of cave biodiversity (worldwide symbolised by Proteus), with data access in European Research Area following FAIR principles.



Society for Cave Biology – Tular Cave Laboratory was not an official partner in the RI-SI-LifeWatch project. The Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU decided to support also other partners ideas for new projects within LifeWatch Slovenia consortium. RI-SI-LifeWatch equipment presented here was purchased by Karst Research Institute ZRC SAZU at the suggestion of Society for Cave Biology – Tular Cave Laboratory to be used mainly for the two virtual laboratories that are in progress to be arranged ProteusWatch vlab and for the Karst Groundwater Habitats.


Society for Cave Biology: Tular Cave Laboratory is also a partner in the LTER Slovenia consortium and active collaborating in two subsidiars projects: SoilBON (https://monitor.soilbon.org/) and eLTER RA project: water eDNA sampling



ALJANČIČ, Gregor, MACHIDON, Octavian-Mihai, ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, MACHIDON, Alina Luminita, PIPAN, Tanja. Challenges and preliminary results in building virtual laboratories to monitor Proteus anguinus and its karst groundwater habitat. In: The LifeWatch ERIC Biodiversity & Ecosystem eScience Conference: threats and challenges to biodiversity and ecosystem conservation from an eScience perspective: Seville, 22-24 May 2023: abstract book. [S. l.]: LifeWatch ERIC, 2023. Str. 27. https://www.lifewatch.eu/bees-2023/abstract-book-presentations/#flipbook-df_32474/


ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, ALJANČIČ, Gregor, MILOTIĆ, Tanja, MACHIDON, Octavian-Mihai, MACHIDON, Alina Luminita, CASAER, Jim, PIPAN, Tanja. Karst groundwater biodiversity and habitats : building in-situ virtual laboratories to assess the ecology of Proteus anguinus and its subterranean habitat throughout data platforms. In: ŠVARA, Astrid (ed.), ZUPAN HAJNA, Nadja (ed.), GABROVŠEK, Franci (ed.). Speleology : 29th International Karstological School Classical Karst : abstracts & guide book. Postojna, 2022. 1st ed. Ljubljana: Založba ZRC, 2022. Str. 118. ISBN 978-961-05-0649-2. [COBISS.SI-ID 113262595]

ALJANČIČ, Gregor, ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, MILOTIĆ, Tanja, MACHIDON, Octavian-Mihai, MACHIDON, Alina Luminila, CASAER, Jim, PIPAN, Tanja. Building virtual laboratories to monitor Proteus and its karst groundwater habitat. V: ALJANČIČ, Gregor (ur.), et al. 4th International Meeting SOS Proteus : conservation of Proteus and its habitat facing climate change challenges : 2022, 21st-22nd May, Museo Civico Storia Naturale, Trieste, Italy : abstract book. Trieste; Kranj: Trieste Natural History Museum [etc.], 2022. Str. 20. http://tular.si/images/pdf/Abstract_Book_SOS_Proteus_2022.pdf.

KENNY, Julian (interviewer), PIPAN, Tanja (interviewee), RAVBAR, Nataša (interviewee), ALJANČIČ, Gregor (interviewee). The underground Karst caves of Postojna. [S. l.]: LifeWatch ERIC, 2022. 1 spletni vir (1 zvočna datoteka (19 min, 44 sek)). A window on science. https://www.buzzsprout.com/1921443/11870793-s3-e10-the-underground-karst-caves-of-postojna.

TESAŘOVÁ, Markéta, MANCINI, Lucia, MAURI, Edgardo, ALJANČIČ, Gregor, ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, KOSTANJŠEK, Rok, BIZJAK-MALI, Lilijana, ZIKMUND, Tomáš, KAUCKÁ, Markéta, PAPI, Federica, GOYENS, Jana, BOUCHNITA, Annas, HELLANDER, Andreas, ADAMEYKO, Igor, KAISER, Jozef. Living in darkness : exploring adaptation of Proteus anguinus in 3 dimensions by X-ray imaging. GigaScience. 5. apr. 2022, vol. 11, art. 30, str. 1-8, ilustr. ISSN 2047-217X. https://academic.oup.com/gigascience/article/doi/10.1093/gigascience/giac030/6562166, DOI: 10.1093/gigascience/giac030

University of Ljubljana

University of Ljubljana


University of Ljubljana joined LifeWatch Slovenia in 2015 and it contributes to LifeWatch ERIC through its National Distributed Centre. The University of Ljubljana is the oldest and the largest university in Slovenia. Within the consortium LifeWatch it is represented by Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Biology, and covers two main activities, education and research. Student training comprises courses in zoology, botany, ecology, behavior and evolution within the BSc and MSc programs. Research covers evolution and ecology of surface and subterranean ecosystems.


We aim to understand biological patterns and processes at all hierarchical levels of biological organization, from an individual to ecosystem. The studied organisms are mainly but not exclusively aquatic macrophytes, leeches, spiders, butterflies, bats, as well as subterranean crustaceans, subterranean beetles and olm.

On a population-level we study adaptation, speciation and dispersal. Local adaptation is a ubiquitous phenomenon in nature. Organisms distributed along ecological gradients, such as surface-subterranean gradient, or organisms living in the intermittent karstic lakes and streams are fantastic model systems for study of adaptation. 

Dispersal is studied by population genetics, mainly in various subterranean organisms. Dispersal maintains geneflow between populations; upon cessation of the geneflow speciation unfolds. We study in what circumstances new species emerge, but also describe new species using molecular and morphological tools. 

On a species-level, we try to disentangle the role of ecological and historical determinants of species’ distribution by modelling species’ ecological niche and reconstructions of ancient species ranges. On a community and ecosystem level, we study biodiversity patterns, how they correlate with environmental factors and through which processes communities assembled. 

Processes are inferred from the ecological, morphological and spatial data within the phylogenetic context. Such macroevolutionary studies shed light onto diversification processes and how they contributed to present-day biodiversity patterns and how this relates to species conservation.

Part of our research comprises applicative outreach in which we are developing monitoring protocols, monitor for selected species and habitats including invasive species, and assess toxicity of different chemicals. We also make assessments of species’ endangerment status according to IUCN.



NarcIS or the Nature Conservation Information System is a project funded by LIFE programme. Within the project a consoritum of eight project partners will establish the backbone of a modern and digital nature conservation information system. The system addresses the gap that has arisen in the field of nature management data management in the last 15 years.

Life-IP Natura.si

LIFE-IP NATURA.SI – NATURA2000 (gov.si) LIFE Integrated Project for Enhanced Management of Natura 2000 in Slovenia (LIFE-IP NATURA.SI) is managed by Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning in cooperation with 14 partners. The project predominantly aims at enhancing the management of Natura 2000 in Slovenia in cooperation with various sectors and stakeholders.

See information about our RI-SI-LifeWatch equipment.

We contribute to RI-SI-LifeWatch in four segments.

We monitor environmental abiotic parameters

For this purpose, we have three planted multimeter dataloggers. With two dataloggers we continuously monitor water quality at sites populated with white and black olm, in Cave Planinska jama and at the spring of Jelševnik, respectively. Both dataloggers continuously monitor water quality, track pollution events and allow interventions at sites in a near-real time. An additional datalogging system measures soil temperature and moisture at intermittent Lake Cerkniško jezero. For regular fieldwork around Slovenia, we have an additional multimeter measuring water quality.

Floristic, faunistic and taxonomic work

The overarching goal of this segment is to complete inventories of selected groups of Slovenian flora and fauna. We are curating the database of aquatic macrophytes from all around Slovenia, including invasive species, as well as the database of subterranean animals, with emphasis on crustaceans and beetles. Field work regularly unveils new, yet undescribed species. Such species are studied morphologically, genetically and, whenever possible, ecologically. New species are diagnosed, described and named. Within this segment of research, we gather data on species’ distribution, species’ ecology and biology, which are essential ingredients needed for the assessment of species vulnerability as well as protection.

We study biodiversity patterns, relate them to historical events and ecological factors, as well as to putative threats

We quantify different facies of biodiversity, namely species, phylogenetic and functional diversity. Quantification of phylogenetic diversity is limited to few selected taxa, like leeches, beetles and amphipods. As part of consortium ERGA-Slovenia (European Reference Genome Atlas) we are progressing from few-loci phylogenies towards genome-wide phylogenies. Functional ecology is studied mainly through functional morphology, i.e. traits which function can be related to fitness. To quantify functional traits, we employ a broad variety of visualization techniques, from optical and electron microscopy to microCT.

All the data gathered in databases are used also in conservation analyses

Present efforts are oriented in the development of biological monitoring of subterranean organisms. Here, we work on i) completion of barcoding libraries for routine species identification, ii) identification of subterranean regions that should be monitored, iii) protocols for field work and iv) identification reference status of present communities for interpretation of future monitoring.


FIŠER, Cene, PREMATE, Ester (2024). Phenotype Variation in Niphargus (Amphipoda: Niphargidae): Possible Explanations and Open Challenges. Diversity 16 (7), 375.  https://www.mdpi.com/1424-2818/16/7/375

PREMATE, Ester, FIŠER, Žiga, BIRÓ, Anna, COPILAŞ-CIOCIANU, Denis, FROMHAGE, Lutz, JENNIONS, Michael, BORKO, Špela, HERCZEG, Gábor, BALÁZS, Gergely, KRALJ-FIŠER, Simona*, FIŠER, Cene * (2024). Sexual dimorphism in subterranean amphipod crustaceans covaries with subterranean habitat type. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 37(5): 487–500 (*equal contribution). https://academic.oup.com/jeb/article/37/5/487/7628557

PREMATE, Ester, ZAGMAJSTER, Maja, FIŠER, Cene (2024). Evaluating the overlap of surface protected areas with different facets of groundwater biodiversity: Glass half empty or half full? Biological Conservation 289: 110392. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320723004937

PREMATE, Ester, FIŠER, Cene (2024). Functional trait dataset of European groundwater Amphipoda: Niphargidae and Typhlogammaridae. Scientific Data 11: 188. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41597-024-03020-w

MALEK-HOSSEINI, Mohammad Javad, BRAD, Traian, FATEMI, Yaser, KUNTNER, Matjaž, FIŠER, Cene (2024). A New Cave-Dwelling Hadzioid Amphipod (Senticaudata, Hadzioidea, Melitidae) from Sulfidic Groundwaters in Iran. Contributions to Zoology 93(2): 107-126. https://brill.com/view/journals/ctoz/93/2/article-p107_001.xml

KRAVANJA, Marija, GERM, Mateja. Distribution of macrophytes in two tributaries of the karstic River Ljubljanica, Obrh and Rak. Folia biologica et geologica. 2024, vol. 65, iss. 2, str. 207-242. ISSN 2335-2914. https://ojs.sazu.si/folia_bio_geo/article/view/8063, DiRROS – Digitalni repozitorij raziskovalnih organizacij Slovenije, DOI: 10.3986/fbg0111. 

PREMATE, Ester, ZAGMAJSTER, Maja, FIŠER, Cene. Evaluating the overlap of surface protected areas with different facets of groundwater biodiversity: glass half empty or half full?. Biological Conservation. [Print ed.]. 2024, vol. 289, article 110392, str. 1-10, ilustr. ISSN 0006-3207. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0006320723004937?via%3Dihub, DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2023.110392. [COBISS.SI-ID 176398851]

GERM, Mateja, GOLOB, Aleksandra, ZELNIK, Igor, KLINK, Agnieszka, POLECHOŃSKA, Ludmiła. Contents of metals in sediments and macrophytes differed between the locations in an Alpine lake revealing human impacts : a case study of Lake Bohinj (Slovenia). Water. Apr. 2023, vol. 15, iss. 7, str. [1]-14, ilustr., zvd. ISSN 2073-4441. https://doi.org/10.3390/w15071254https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=145047, DOI: 10.3390/w15071254. [COBISS.SI-ID 147304195]

GERM M., GOLOB A., ZELNIK I., KLINK A., POLECHOŃSKA L. (2023) Diversity of macrophytes and differences in the contents of metals between macro-phyte species in alpine Lake Bohinj (Slovenia). In: Teubner K., Trichkova T., Cvijanović D., eds. Tackling present and future environmental challenges of a European riverscape. IAD Proceedings, 1:8076263. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8076263

KNÜSEL, Mara, BORKO, Špela, ALTHER, Roman, SALUSSOLIA, Alice, ALTERMATT, Florian, SALUSSOLIA, Alice, FIŠER, Cene, STOCH, Fabio. Phylogenetic structure and molecular species delimitation hint a complex evolutionary history in an Alpine endemic Niphargus clade (Crustacea, Amphipoda). Zoologischer Anzeiger. Sep. 2023, vol. 306, str. 27-36. ISSN 0044-5231. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0044523123000670?via%3Dihub, DOI: 10.1016/j.jcz.2023.07.001. [COBISS.SI-ID 174245635]

MALEK-HOSSEINI, Mohammad Javad, BRAD, Traian, FATEMI, Yaser, KUNTNER, Matjaž, FIŠER, Cene. A new cave-dwelling hadzioid amphipod (Senticaudata, Hadzioidea, Melitidae) from sulfidic groundwaters in Iran. Contributions to zoology. 2023, str. 1-20, ilustr. ISSN 1383-4517. https://brill.com/view/journals/ctoz/aop/article-10.1163-18759866-bja10054/article-10.1163-18759866-bja10054.xml, DOI: 10.1163/18759866-bja10054. [COBISS.SI-ID 174245891]

OJDANIČ, Nik, GERM, Mateja, ANDLOVIC, Maša, ČERNELA, Dorotej, ZELNIK, Igor. Distribution of aquatic macrophytes in the littoral of Lake Bohinj (Slovenia). Diversity. 2023, vol. 15, iss. 11, str. 1-15, ilustr. ISSN 1424-2818. https://www.mdpi.com/1424-2818/15/11/1115, DOI: 10.3390/d15111115. [COBISS.SI-ID 170636547] 

OJDANIČ, Nik, ZELNIK, Igor, HOLCAR, Matej, GABERŠČIK, Alenka, GOLOB, Aleksandra. Contrasting dynamics of littoral and riparian reed stands within a wetland complex of Lake Cerknica. Plants. Mar. 2023, vol. 12, iss. 5, str. [1]-20, ilustr., zvd. ISSN 2223-7747. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants12051006, DOI: 10.3390/plants12051006. [COBISS.SI-ID 142918403] 

PREMATE, Ester, BORKO, Špela, ALTERMATT, Florian, FIŠER, Cene. Context-dependent evolution of high trophic position drives functional disparity in subterranean crustaceans. Functional ecology: Elektronski vir. [Online ed.]. 2023, vol. 37, iss. 9, str. 2523-2534, ilustr. ISSN 1365-2435. https://besjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/1365-2435.14407https://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=152606, DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.14407. [COBISS.SI-ID 159684355] 

PREMATE, Ester, KEPIC, Tinkara, FIŠER, Cene. Is the relationship between body length and body mass consistent across habitats? A case study on Niphargus (Crustacea: Amphipoda). Zoology. [Print ed.]. 2023, vol. 161, article 126120, str. 1-6. ISSN 0944-2006. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0944200623000545?via%3Dihubhttps://repozitorij.uni-lj.si/IzpisGradiva.php?id=153142, DOI: 10.1016/j.zool.2023.126120. [COBISS.SI-ID 164076291]

Kos A, Delić T, Kos I, Kozel P, Polak S, Zagmajster M (2023) The overview of lithobiomorph centipedes (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha) from caves of Slovenia. Subterranean Biology 45: 165-185. https://doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.45.101430.

Premate E*, Borko Š*, Kralj-Fišer S, Fišer Ž, Jennions M, Balazs G, Biro A, Bračko G, Copilaş-Ciocianu D, Hrga N, Herzeg G, Rexhepi B, Zagmajster M, Zakšek V, Fromhage L*, Fišer C* (2021). No room for males in caves: female biased sex ratio in subterranean amphipods of the genus Niphargus. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 34(10): 1653-1661. https://doi.org/10.1111/jeb.13917.

University of Maribor

University of Maribor, Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics


Natasa Pipenbaher

University of Maribor, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, has been a member of LifeWatch Slovenia since 2019 and it contributes to LifeWatch ERIC through its National Distributed Centre. The University of Maribor is the second largest and the second oldest university in Slovenia. With its seventeen member institutions, the university has app. 18.000 students. The University of Maribor thus brings together knowledge, research results and industry. It develops new fields, tests new teaching methods, and constantly seeks new ways of cooperation with its environment.


The Department of Biology (Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, University of Maribor) has improved its research, teaching, and project activities in recent years. The research is focused on the scientific fields of zoology, botany, ecology, and microbiology. Our scientists are involved in several international projects such as INTERREG, COST ACTIONS, eLTER and Erasmus+.

The new research infrastructure enables:
– a more precise observation of different groups of plant and animal species
– filed-based measurements of abiotic factors, linking environment and biodiversity
– improved analyses of plant functional traits, a modern functional approach to
vegetation research
– spatial landscape analyses and trends
– in situ experiments in physiology, morphology, ecophysiology, and animal behaviour
– microbiological studies of acetic acid bacteria


The University of Maribor, Faculty of natural sciences and mathematics as a partner of the LifeWatch project, used the acquired research equipment to improve existing approaches in researching and understanding of biodiversity patterns and processes from the species to the landscape level, which contributed to higher quality data and research results. The data collected will be an important contribution to the database of the Consortium’s database in zoology, botany, ecology, and microbiology.

As part of the project, we upgraded the existing microscope with modern camera and software equipment and supplied a new automated stereomicroscope. We established and upgraded the existing database of micrographs of subterranean animal species and smaller groups of arachnids, harvestman (Kozel et al., 2020; Galli et al., 2021). We are also engaged in ecological research of bellow ground fauna and aboveground flora. New equipment allow us to  measure various abiotic factors: the dynamics of the urban heat island phenomenon in a small urban system; spatial patterns of traffic accidents in relation to weather (Ivajnšič et al., 2021a; Ivajnšič et al., 2021b); and we are also supplementing our speleobiological base, which consists of environmental and biodiversity data (underground, mainly in karst caves) (Kozel and Pipan, 2020; Kozel et al., 2021); we are studying the species and functional composition of grassland vegetation in Slovenia. With the newly acquired equipment, we performed numerous experiments in physiology, morphology, ecophysiology, and animal behavior. In the climate chamber we grow and maintain organisms in constant temperature range. We managed to obtain and analyse video material of animal behavior (Klokočovnik in Devetak, 2022). The equipment for preparation and analysis of organisms is also used for research in the extended environment acetic acid bacteria (OCB), which we encounter every day and usability of their product it is used in food, pharmaceutical, medical, and cosmetic products. Among OCB, we discover new ecological niches they occupy and species diversity in different environments (Cepec and Trček, 2022; Vajdič, 2022).

The mentioned databases will also serve as an important source of information for the future scientific research. Part of the data obtained has been transformated into scientific results that have already been published (or accepted for publication) as chapters in a monograph

More information about RI-SI-LifeWatch Equipment


IVAJNŠIČ, Danijel, PIPENBAHER, Nataša, GRUJIĆ, Jaša Veno, DONŠA, Daša, KALIGARIČ, Mitja, ŠKORNIK, Sonja, ŽIBERNA, Igor, ČUŠ, Jure, RECKO NOVAK, Petra, KOHEK, Štefan, BRUMEN, Matej, STRNAD, Damjan. A decision support system for effective implementation of agro-environmental measures targeted at small woody landscape features: the case study of Slovenia. Landscape and urban planning. [Print ed.]. 2024, vol. 247, [article no.] 105064, 13 str., ilustr. ISSN 0169-2046. DOI: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2024.105064. 

ŠKORNIK, Sonja (umetnik), PIPENBAHER, Nataša. A link between species abundance and plant strategies for semi-natural dry grasslands. Plants. Aug. 2024, vol. 13, iss. 16, [article no.] 2260, 17 str. ISSN 2223-7747. https://www.mdpi.com/2223-7747/13/16/2260, DOI: 10.3390/plants13162260. 

MARTINEZ, Vanessa, SILLAM-DUSSÈS, David, DEVETAK, Dušan, LORENT, Vincent, PODLESNIK, Jan. Antlion larvae localize long distant preys by a mechanism based on time diference. Journal of comparative physiology. A, Sensory, neural, and behavioral physiology. 2024, vol. 210, iss. 1, str. 35-45, ilustr. ISSN 0340-7594. Digitalna knjižnica Univerze v Mariboru – DKUM, DOI: 10.1007/s00359-023-01641-x, DOI: 20.500.12556/DKUM-88348. 

RIBIČ, Alja, TRČEK, Janja. Customized 16S-23S rDNA ITS amplicon metagenomics for acetic acid bacteria species identification in vinegars and kombuchas. Microorganisms. 2024, vol. 12, iss. 5, [article no.] 1023, 8 str., ilustr. ISSN 2076-2607. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2607/12/5/1023, DOI: 10.3390/microorganisms12051023. 

KOZEL, Peter, NOVAK, Tone, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc, LIPOVŠEK DELAKORDA, Saška. Starvation hardiness as preadaptation for life in subterranean habitats. Scientific reports. 2023, vol. 13, article no. 9643, 18 str., ilustr. ISSN 2045-2322. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-023-36556-9.

IVAJNŠIČ, Danijel, HORVAT, Nina, ŽIBERNA, Igor, KONEČNIK KOTNIK, Eva, DAVIDOVIĆ, Danijel. Revealing the spatial pattern of weather-related road traffic crashes in Slovenia. Applied sciences. 2021. https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/11/14/6506, DOI: 10.3390/app11146506.

IVAJNŠIČ, Danijel, PINTARIČ, David, GRUJIĆ, Jaša Veno, ŽIBERNA, Igor. A spatial decision support system for traffic accident prevention in different weather conditions. Acta geographica Slovenica. 2021. ISSN1581-6613. https://ojs.zrc-sazu.si/ags/article/view/9415/9535, DOI: 10.3986/AGS.9415.

IVAJNŠIČ, Danijel, ORLANDO-BONACA, Martina, DONŠA, Daša, GRUJIĆ, Jaša Veno, TRKOV, Domen, MAVRIČ, Borut, LIPEJ, Lovrenc. Evaluating seagrass meadow dynamics by integrating field-based and remote sensing techniques. Plants. May 2022, vol. 11, iss. 9, str. [1]-15, ilustr. ISSN 2223-7747. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants11091196, DOI: 10.3390/plants11091196.

DONŠA, Daša, GRUJIĆ, Jaša Veno, PIPENBAHER, Nataša, IVAJNŠIČ, Danijel. The Lyme borreliosis spatial footprint in the 21st century: a key study of Slovenia. International journal of environmental research and public health. [Online ed.]. 2021, vol. 18, iss. 22, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 1660-4601, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph182212061.

AMBROŽIČ-DOLINŠEK, Jana, OBLONŠEK, Sanja, CIRINGER, Terezija. Slow growth storage of Berula erecta in vitro – effect of sucrose, sorbitol and temperature. Agricultura. [Print ed.]. 2022, vol. 19, no. 1, str. 33-41, ilustr. ISSN 1580-8432. https://journals.um.si/index.php/agricultura/article/view/2190, DOI: 10.18690/agricultura.19.1.33-41.2022.

GRUJIĆ, Jaša Veno, TODOROVIĆ, Biljana, KRANVOGL, Roman, CIRINGER, Terezija, AMBROŽIČ-DOLINŠEK, Jana. Diversity and content of carotenoids and other pigments in the transition from the green to the red stage of Haematococcus pluvialis microalgae identified by HPLC-DAD and LC-QTOF-MS. Plants. Apr. 2022, vol. 11, iss. 8, 14 str. ISSN 2223-7747, DOI: 10.3390/plants11081026.

AMBROŽIČ-DOLINŠEK, Jana, ORNIK, Domen, BRANDA, Rebeka, MOLNAR, Zoltan, CIRINGER, Terezija. Does biostimulant Agrostemin® exhibit plant growth regulator activities?. Phyton : annales rei botanicae. 2021, vol. 61, str. 109-116. ISSN 0079-2047, DOI: 10.12905/0380.phyton61-2022-0109.

KLOKOČOVNIK, Vesna, DEVETAK, Dušan. Efficiency of antlion trap design and larval behavior in capture success. Behavioral ecology. 2022, vol. 33, no. 1, str. 184-189, ilustr. ISSN 1045-2249, DOI: 10.1093/beheco/arab124.

VAJDIČ, Tadeja. Genetic diversity of exopolysaccharides from acetic acid bacteria isolates originating from apple cider vinegars. German journal of microbiology. 2022, vol. 2, iss. 1, str. 1-18. ISSN 2749-0149, DOI: 10.51585/gjm.2022.1.0011.

CEPEC, Eva, TRČEK, Janja. Antimicrobial resistance of Acetobacter and Komagataeibacter species originating from vinegars. International journal of environmental research and public health. [Online ed.]. 2022, vol. 19, iss. 1, str. 1-10. ISSN 1660-4601. https://www.mdpi.com/1660-4601/19/1/463, DOI: 10.3390/ijerph19010463.

GALLI, Loris, JANŽEKOVIČ, Franc, KOZEL, Peter, NOVAK, Tone. Protura (Arthropoda: Hexapoda) in Slovenian caves. International journal of speleology. 2021. ISSN 0392-6672. https://scholarcommons.usf.edu/ijs/vol50/iss1/6/, DOI: 10.5038/1827-806X.50.1.2380.

KOZEL, Peter, DELIĆ, Teo, NOVAK, Tone. Nemaspela borkoae sp. nov. (Opiliones: Nemastomatidae), the second species of the genus from the Dinaric Karst. European Journal of Taxonomy. 2020. ISSN 2118-9773, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2020.717.1103.

KOZEL, Peter, PIPAN, Tanja. Specialized aquatic subterranean communities are probably most species-rich in the thickest epikarst. Limnologica. 2020, vol. 81, str. 1-9. ISSN 0075-9511, DOI: 10.1016/j.limno.2020.125756.

KOZEL, Peter, DELAKORDA, Miha, KOMPOSCH, Christian, SLANA NOVAK, Ljuba, NOVAK, Tone, LIPOVŠEK DELAKORDA, Saška. Notes on coexistence of closely related Leiobunum rupestre and L. subalpinum (Opiliones, Eupnoi, Sclerosomatidae). V: JÄGER, Peter (ur.). A festschrift honouring prof. dr. Jochen Martens on occasion of his 80th birthday : monograph. Auckland: Magnolia Press, 2021. Str. 34-42, ilustr. Zootaxa, vol. 4984, 1. ISBN 978-1-77688-281-6. ISSN 1175-5334. https://www.mapress.com/zt/article/view/zootaxa.4984.1.5, DOI: 10.11646/ZOOTAXA.4984.1.5. [COBISS.SI-ID 67570691].

ŽIBERNA, Igor, IVAJNŠIČ, Danijel. Sezonski režim površinskega mestnega toplotnega otoka v Mariboru = Maribor’s seasonal surface urban heat island regime. V: IVAJNŠIČ, Danijel (ur.), et al. Primeri prostorskih analiz vplivov podnebnih sprememb : monografija v okviru projekta Preprečevanje toplotnega stresa v urbanih sistemih v luči podnebnih sprememb (ARRS J7-1822). 1. izd. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba, 2022. Str. 7-28, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-286-645-7. https://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/view/681/968/2441-1, DOI: 10.18690/um.fnm.8.2022.1. [COBISS.SI-ID 120024835]

PIPENBAHER, Nataša, IVAJNŠIČ, Danijel, DONŠA, Daša, GRUJIĆ, Jaša Veno, ŠKORNIK, Sonja. Vpliv urbanih zelenih površin na pojav mestnega toplotnega otoka = The cooling effect of urban green spaces from the urban heat island perspective. V: IVAJNŠIČ, Danijel (ur.), et al. Primeri prostorskih analiz vplivov podnebnih sprememb : monografija v okviru projekta Preprečevanje toplotnega stresa v urbanih sistemih v luči podnebnih sprememb (ARRS J7-1822). 1. izd. Maribor: Univerza v Mariboru, Univerzitetna založba, 2022. Str. 29-48, ilustr. ISBN 978-961-286-645-7. https://press.um.si/index.php/ump/catalog/view/681/968/2442-1, DOI: 10.18690/um.fnm.8.2022.2. [COBISS.SI-ID 120071171]

University of Nova Gorica

University of Nova Gorica


University of Nova Gorica
Vipavska 13, SI-5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Representative person:
prof. dr. Martina Bergant Marušič

Social media:

The University of Nova Gorica (UNG) has been a member of LifeWatch Slovenia since 2015 and contributes to LifeWatch ERIC through its National Distributed Centre. UNG is an internationally oriented university with a range of graduate and postgraduate programmes and cutting-edge research in science, technology and the arts. UNG places special emphasis on fostering multidisciplinary research and programmes to build partnerships between industry and academia. A dynamic research environment is supported by state-of-the-art research equipment and strong international research collaborations.


The Laboratory for Environmental and Life Sciences (LELS) at the University of Nova Gorica provides a plaform for intensive cooperation between environmental and analytical chemists, biochemists, molecular biologists, ecotoxicologists and ecologists. Research conducted at LELS includes:

• Development of novel and unique ultrasensitive laser-based analytical methods for the identification and determination of toxic and bioactive compounds in the environment (pesticides, heavy metals, toxins).
• Investigation of the fate, transport and transformation of pollutants in the atmosphere and in terrestrial and aquatic environments, and development of various techniques for their removal.
• In-vitro toxicity assessment of various environmental pollutants affecting living organisms.
• Identification of recombinant antibodies for environmental applications. This includes the development of biosensors to detect plant stress associated with global warming and biosensors to detect invasive microalgae in the marine environment.

State-of-the-art research at LELS provides new insights into environmental processes at the level of molecules, cells, organisms, and ecosystems, their interactions, and the interrelationship with life processes in organisms.



EcoLamb – Holistic Production to Reduce the Ecological Footprint of Meat The "EcoLamb" project evaluated the sustainability of sheep production systems with a focus on resilience to future environmental and social obstacles. The project aimed to promote functional lamb meat from production systems with a low ecological footprint. One of the main objectives was preservation of biodiversity and cultural heritage. The project used Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), Life Cycle Costing (LCC), Land Use Assessment (LANCA) and Biodiversity Assessment methods to evaluate the environmental sustainability of intensive (feedlot) and extensive (pasture) lamb meat production in different bioregions in Europe. Extensive small ruminant production was found to be critical for biodiversity conservation, but also to have other beneficial ecosystem functions such as carbon sequestration, water cycling, wildlife habitat provision, etc.


GOTRAWAMA - Transboundary water management in urban areas of Gorizia and Nova Gorica INTERREG ITALY – SLOVENIA, 2012-2015 The objective of the project was to develop guidelines for the implementation of a common system for the integrated management of transboundary waters in the urban areas of Gorizia and Nova Gorica, including surface water, groundwater and wastewater. The proposed guidelines focused on the protection of biodiversity and sustainable management of natural resources, protection of the environment from natural and technological risks and pollution, reduction of energy consumption and increased use of renewable energy sources, and strengthening territorial cohesion in the sustainable management of transboundary waters.

Slovenian Forestry Institute

Slovenian Forestry Institute



The Slovenian Forestry Institute was one of the establishing partners of the LifeWatch Slovenia in 2015. It is a public research institute of national importance, which conducts basic and applied research on forests and forest landscapes, forest ecosystems, wildlife ecology, hunting, forest management, and other uses of the resources and services forests provide. The scientific knowledge from these fields helps further the research on forest biodiversity and its management in relation to climate change. 


The main research of the Slovenian Forest Institute is organised in the research programme Forest Biology, Ecology and Technology, supported by INFRASTRUCTURE PROGRAMME with modern laboratory equipment, collections and research areas.

The Slovenian Forest Institute is organised into six departments that are involved in research on forests for sustainable development of society in harmony with the environment:
Department of Forest Ecology; Department of Forest Physiology and Genetics; Department of Forest Engineering and Management; Department of Forest and Landscape Planning and Monitoring; Department of Silviculture and Forest Management; Department of Forest Protection 

The Slovenian Forest Institute is involved in several international programmes and initiatives (e.g. UN-ECE CLRTAP, ICP Forests) and develops research and infrastructure for ecological monitoring and modelling of forest processes and biodiversity in a network of national research plots in Slovenia. 

Using state-of-the-art research methods, including the development and testing of research procedures, laboratory standards, data quality documentation, and databases, they are part of a transnational network of plots that provides an outstanding asset for European biodiversity scientists. 

The plots and data are also available to third parties and are stored in the databases of ICP Forests, the European Coordination Centres for Forest Soils and Leaf Patterns, and the European Data Centre. At the same time, the collected data are also relevant to other monitoring, modelling and research networks, such as ICP IM, ICP M&M, EMEP, LTER-Europe, CarboEUROPE, ICOS, EPOS, etc. 


ForPlat database

The Slovenian Forestry Institute is developing a research infrastructure for assessing biodiversity and the impact of various environmental factors on forest ecosystem processes as part of the RI-SI -LifeWatch project. State-of-the-art research methods are used, including method development and testing, field and laboratory research, laboratory standards, databases, and a network of national research plots in Slovenia that will be part of a transnational data network and make an important contribution to international biodiversity and ecosystem research. Field equipment and measurement systems for monitoring microclimate, air quality and pollutants, phenological development of trees, stem growth, tree phenology, etc. are installed at the forest research plots, which includes the development and testing of forest research procedures in the field. At the same time, novel laboratory equipment for clean water production and a spectrum analyzer are essential for developing the latest analytical methods and laboratory standards. The establishment of the ForPlat database with the necessary documentation of data quality, which is an important development step in the framework of a transnational network of forest ecosystem data.

Laboratory for Forest Ecology

  • Type II laboratory water treatment apparatus
  • Micrometeorological station with temperature and humidity gauge
    (in a white shield), solar panel and sensors for measuring soil
    temperature and humidity
  • An electronic dendrometer, which is also part of the measuring
    station and connects to the data logger
  • Camera for tree phenological observations

Forest research monitoring plots

  • Automated outdoor camera for tree phenological observations

Vilhar U., Kermavnar J., Kozamernik E., Petrič M., Ravbar N. 2022. The effects of large-scale forest disturbances on hydrology – An overview with special emphasis on karst aquifer systems. Earth-Science Reviews, 104243

Informacijski sistem FOR-PLAT. FERLAN, Mitja (editor), HLADNIK, Jože (editor), KERMAVNAR, Janez (editor), KOZAMERNIK, Erika (editor), LEVANIČ, Tom (editor), MARINŠEK, Aleksander (editor), SIMONČIČ, Primož (editor), ŠTEFANIČ, David (editor), ŽLINDRA, Daniel (editor), VILHAR, Urša (editor). Ljubljana: Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, 2022-. ISSN 2820-4735. http://forplat.net/. [COBISS.SI-ID 113647875]

PIPAN, Tanja, ALJANČIČ, Magdalena, ČELIGOJ BIŠČAK, Jasmina, FERLAN, Mitja, FIŠER, Cene, KREBELJ, Matej, PIPENBAHER, Nataša, RAMŠAK, Andreja, TREKMAN, Adrijana, VILHAR, Urša. Končno poročilo o izvajanju operacije RI-SI-LifeWatch. [S. l.: ZRC SAZU, 2021]. 29 str., ilustr. [COBISS.SI-ID 81063427]

VILHAR, Urša, FERLAN, Mitja, ZUPANC, Boštjan, ŠTEFANIČ, David, PLEŠKO, Anton, ŽELEZNIK, Anže, KOZAMERNIK, Erika, ŽLINDRA, Daniel, MARINŠEK, Aleksander, LEVANIČ, Tom, KRAJNC, Robert, SKUDNIK, Mitja, RUPEL, Matej, TREKMAN, Adrijana, SIMONČIČ, Primož. FOR-PLAT LifeWatch RI-SI : infrastruktura in inovativno podatkovno spletišče Gozdarskega inštituta Slovenije : predavanje na spletnem srečanju Upravnega odbora LifeWatch-SI in širšega nacionalnega konzorcija eLTER in LifeWatch, 19. februar 2021. [COBISS.SI-ID 87568643]

University of Primorska

University of Primorska


Elena Bužan

Titov trg 4, 6000 Koper


The University of Primorska has been a member of LifeWatch Slovenia since 2021 and contributes to LifeWatch ERIC through its research programme and infrastructure as well as various international projects.
The research programme Conservation Biology from Molecules to Ecosystems encompasses diverse biological fields such as taxonomy, ecology, genetics, transcriptomics, molecular and cellular biology, and health. The European research and innovation funding programme Horizon is an important tool to support research on wildlife monitoring and conservation at UP.


At the University of Primorska, we conduct multidisciplinary research in conservation, biodiversity, and public health through the interdisciplinary research programme Conservation Biology from Molecules to Ecosystems, which encompasses diverse biological fields such as taxonomy, ecology, genetics, transcriptomics, molecular and cellular biology, and health.

The research programme includes the study of both natural and anthropogenic (agricultural and urban) Mediterranean habitats, which represent an important and authentic habitat for many species and contribute to Slovenia’s exceptional biodiversity.

The programme is divided into three areas of work:
1) conservation ecology,
2) conservation genetics, and
3) healthy Mediterranean ecosystems.

In studying taxa, we rely on ecological data and genetic/genomic population studies using various molecular technologies.

In 2020, the University of Primorska became a member of the international consortium ERGA (European Reference Genomic Atlas), which aims to identify a large number of complete genomes of wild species in Europe in order to better protect them.

The University of Primorska has been coordinating the international project STEP CHANGE – Science Transformation in EuroPe through Citizens involvement in HeAlth, coNservation and enerGy rEsearch (under the Horizon 2020 programme) since 2021, which includes five Citizen Science initiatives in the fields of nature, energy and health. 


The University of Primorska coordinates the Horizon 2020 project STEP CHANGE, which focuses on the implementation of five Citizen Science Initiatives (CSI) in the areas of health, energy and environment. 

One of the CSIs address wildlife monitoring and conservation in Slovenia. For the wildlife observation we developed a new app for monitoring species with the help of outdoor enthusiasts (hikers, hunters, farmers, photographers, and others) who live in or visit Slovenia and want to become citizen scientists. Regular and systematic monitoring of various species is also required by Slovenian and European legislation. 

Today, not only researchers but also nature lovers can make an exceptional contribution to better monitoring and understanding of wildlife populations and their needs. The collected data will not only contribute to better understanding of wildlife, but also to better management and protection of wildlife in Slovenia. 

Thanks to the widespread use of smartphones and the development of dedicated apps, everyone can now contribute, and the role of “citizen scientists” is becoming increasingly important. By linking citizen science data with large datasets from environmental observations, researchers can now address aspects that previously could not be achieved with their forces alone. 

The app is available for both smartphones and computers and requires only a one-time registration via email. Despite the ability to enter multiple data, the app is user-friendly, guiding users through internal links and simple menus from the beginning to the end of entering an observation. Through the app, users can get a graphical overview of their own entries and the overall information for the entire country. 

The project also includes systematic camera traps that are set up randomly, using a twofold approach. 

First, the random extraction of square cells from a lattice grid with a 10-km cell structure covering different area characterised by the presence of the most heterogeneous wildlife populations in the country.

Then, 12 random points are selected in each cell where camera traps are placed for a period of 30 days, the minimum period recommended for fauna inventory. Square cells are sampled without replacement, so each cell cannot be selected multiple times from the entire sampling frame. 

Sampling sites for camera traps are taken at random. Project results feed into broader European and global initiatives such as GEO BON and EuropaBON and the European Wildlife Observatory and are linked to other initiatives such as SnapShot Europe and Enetwild.

University of Primorska is a partner in the Horizon Europe project Biodiversity Genomics Europe (BGE). The BGE project coordinates and expands DNA barcoding and reference genome generation in the context of European biodiversity. The project develops synergies by bringing together the efforts and resources of the DNA barcoding and genome sequencing communities across the continent.

The goals of the BGE are to:
  i) Build functioning biodiversity genomics networks at the European level to connect and build community capacity to use genomic tools to address the biodiversity crisis with the goal of
    (a) future-proofing our networks for biodiversity genomics research,
    (b) lower the thresholds of access to biodiversity genomics research, and
    (c) promote co-creation and citizen engagement,
  ii) establish and implement large-scale biodiversity genomic data-generating pipelines for Europe to accelerate the production of and access to genomic data for biodiversity characterization, conservation, and biomonitoring. With the goal of
    (a) establish distributed and inclusive capacity,
    (b) build economies of scale, and
    (c) connect previously disjoined resources to provide relevant knowledge;
  (iii) applying genomic tools to enhance understanding of pan-European biodiversity and biodiversity declines to improve the efficacy of management interventions and biomonitoring programmes. With the ambition to
    (a) improve the use of biodiversity genomics data in science policy and
    (b) establish European-wide largescale biodiversity genomics research mechanisms.

The BGE consortium consists of 33 partners from 20 countries and brings together for the first time at this scale the two barcoding and reference genome communities to implement its ambitious programme.
To support the implementation of the programme, BGE brings together two newly formed networks: BIOSCAN Europe, which focuses on DNA barcoding, and the European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA), which focuses on genome sequencing.

The University of Primorska is the coordinator of the Slovenian consortium ERGA.SI., which contributes to the BGE as a European hotspot.


D’Andrea, L., Kalpazidou Schmidt, E., Bužan, E., Vidal Merino, M., Dall, E., Colonnello, C., Graversen, E. K., Cerri, J., Iacolina, L., & Feudo, F. Evaluating citizen science initiatives through a citizen science-based approach. Fteval JOURNAL for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation. 2022, 54, 43–50. https://doi.org/10.22163/fteval.2022.570

Pokorny, B., Cerri, J. & Bužan, E. Wildlife roadkill and COVID-19: A biologically significant, but heterogeneous, reduction. Journal of Applied Ecology. 2022, 59, 1291– 1301. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2664.14140.

LEUGGER, Flurin, BROQUET, Thomas, KARGER, Dirk Nikolaus, RIOUX, Delphine, BUŽAN, Elena, CORLATTI, Luca, CRESTANELLO, Barbara, ROLEČKOVÁ, Barbora, ŠPREM, Nikica, VALTEROVÁ, Radka, et al. Dispersal and habitat dynamics shape the genetic structure of the Northern chamois in the Alps. Journal of biogeography. 2022, str. 1-14, ilustr. ISSN 0305-0270. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/jbi.14363, https://doi.org/10.1111/jbi.14363, DOI: 10.1111/jbi.14363.


Formenti, G., Theissinger, K., Fernandes, C., Bista, I., Bombarely, A., Bleidorn, C., Ciofi, C., Crottini, A., Godoy, J. A., Höglund, J., Malukiewicz, J., Mouton, A., Oomen, R. A., Paez, S., Palsbøll, P. J., Pampoulie, C., Ruiz-López, M. J., Svardal, H., Theofanopoulou, C., … Zammit, G. The era of reference genomes in conservation genomics. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. 2022, 37(3), 197–202. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2021.11.008

IACOLINA, Laura, BUŽAN, Elena, SAFNER, Toni, BAŠIĆ, Nino, GERIČ, Urška, TEŠIJA, Toni, LAZAR, Peter, ARNAL, Maria Cruz, CHEN, Jianhai, HAN, Jianlin, ŠPREM, Nikica. A mother’s story, mitogenome relationships in the genus Rupicapra. Animals. 2021, vol. 11, iss. 4, str. 1-11, ilustr. ISSN 2076-2615. DOI: 10.3390/ani11041065.